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EU: Organizaciones sociales llaman a huelga general y boicot

25 de marzo, 2017.- La administración de Trump ha impuesto  políticas discriminatorias en contra de los más de 60 millones migrantes  que habitamos en los Estados Unidos desconociendo nuestras aportaciones  a la economía de este país no sólo por nuestra  fuerza laboral, si no por nuestro consumo y pago de impuestos.

El 45% de trabajadores de los Estados Unidos somos de origen extranjero y aportamos $24 billones por año como consumidores. Estas cifras muestran que la realidad es completamente diferente a esa imagen peligrosa, perezosa y abusiva del sistema que la nueva administración se empeña en difundir.

Demostraciones de repudio a esas campañas denigrantes, marchas, explicaciones razonadas, no han funcionado para reivindicar y hacer valer la importancia de los inmigrantes que no somos más que refugiados económicos desplazados por políticas económicas depredadoras por empresas transnacionales.

Debemos reconocer que en esta era trumpista, los inmigrantes somos los chivos expiatorios de  las políticas del capitalismo que en realidad afectan a toda la fuerza trabajadora, sin importar el origen o el color de piel.

Wal-Mart con sus más de 5000 tiendas en Estados Unidos (incluyendo Sams clubs) y más de 6000 alrededor del mundo, es una de esas empresas transnacionales que se ha convertido en un símbolo del capitalismo destruyendo empresas pequeñas locales y ofreciendo empleos de hambre que no hacen más que preservar la explotación y aniquilación de comunidades enteras en Estados Unidos como en el mundo entero.

Organizaciones sociales de activistas  de Estados Unidos de Norte América para demostrar nuestro poder económico

Convocamos a :

A participar en un boicot nacional e internacional contra de  Walmart y Wells Fargo a partir de ya e incrementando hasta lograr un boicot completo para el 1 de Mayo del 2017.

Paro general de actividades  y marchas en todas las ciudades de los Estados Unidos el dia 1 de Mayo de 2017.


March 25, 2017                                                                                                                                                            


The Trump administration has imposed discriminatory policies against more than 60 million    migrants living within the United States disregarding our contributions to the economy of this country not only our collective labor force, but also our monetary contributions through consumption and taxes.

A total of 45% of workers in the United States are born outside of the US yet contribute $24 billion each year as consumers. These statistics demonstrate a reality that is completely different to dangerous, lazy and abusive imagery the system and this new administration is set on disseminating.

Condemning these demeaning campaigns, marches, reasoned explanations has not worked to vindicate and give worth to the importance of immigrants to illustrate we are not merely economic refugees displaced by predatory economic policies on behalf of transnational companies.

We must recognize that during this trump era, immigrants are not the scapegoats of capitalist policies that in reality affect all of the working class, without regard to origin or skin color.

Wal-Mart and its more than 5,000 chain stores in the United States (including Sam’s Clubs) and more than 6,000 stores worldwide, is one of the transnational companies that has been converted into a capitalist symbol. It destroys small local businesses and offers starvation salaries that do no more than preserve the exploitation and annihilation of entire communities in the United States and worldwide.

To demonstrate economic power is why we urge you to STOP MAKING PURCHASES IN WALMART STORES STARTING APRIL 28, 2017. This binational call is for the United States and Mexico since Wal-Mart operating it’s more than 2,000  stores in Mexico including: Aurrera, Superama, Suburbia, Sam’s club has contributed to the expansive poverty for mexicans and for  displacement to the United States in search of other means of income.

Additionally, we encourage the definitive closing of any accounts with WELLS FARGO, another giant representative of predatory policies within this economy that reduces us to profit. Through the $120 million loan to Energy Transfer Partners, the company constructing the Dakota Access Pipeline threatening sacred lands to the first nations people of North Dakota, Wells Fargo has proven their full loyalty to the few who profit.

Wells Fargo with it’s more than 6,000 locations, is one of the largest banks in the United States and counts on global subsidiaries.

To culminate this series of actions, the strong point will be held through a GENERAL STRIKE ON MAY 1ST AS WELL AS MARCHES THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES which includes not buying, not attending work, not watching commercial media, not sending children to school. We are set on making it visible that workers are the pillars of this economy and that without us this consumerist-exploitative system is impossible.


JOIN US in these actions with the objective of practicing economic pressure against donald trump’s oppressive policies. Now more than ever, the working class must unite, if not for us, for the generations that follow.

In support of this call to action:

  Raices Sin Fronteras San Diego, CA        

Mexicanos Indignados

Acción Popular de Carolina del Norte

Todo Poder al Pueblo Oxnard, CA

Red de Inmigrantes Portland, Oregon

Asamblea Popular Houston, Texas

Centro de Estudios Karl Liebknecht, México 

Comité Québec con   Ayotzinapa

Con Amor, Fresno Ca

Houston Socialist Movements

Artful Activists San Diego

Overpass Light Brigade San Diego

FUERZA, Amigos de Aztlan San Diego

Comité Justicia x Ayotzinapa, Chicago



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